Meet your ESG Reporting and disclosure requirements

Our ESG Reporting solution enables you to disclose environmental, social and corporate governance data, and produce comprehensive ESG reports. Your investment products are analysed and evaluated on various sustainability criteria to provide a complete and transparent view of their ESG impacts and profile to investors.

We work closely with you to produce comprehensive ESG Reports based on business and current regulatory requirements to increase transparency and investor understanding of your ESG credentials.

We facilitate an open data architecture enabling data inputs from multiple sources. This data agnostic approach allows you to overcome any data management challenges with data from disparate (internal and external) sources.

ESG Factsheets that provide clarity

Our ESG Reporting solution gives you the flexibility to choose from a simple single page addendum to a more detailed fund report, giving your investors easy access to transparent, comparable and qualitative information on how you are managing ESG-related risks and opportunities.

Mandated SFDR Reports from January 2023

Europe’s SFDR, which has defined the Principal Adverse Impacts (PAIs), will need to be reported on from January 2023. To find out more about our SFDR Reporting and other regulatory reporting solutions, click here.

How we can help

ESG Reporting expertise

ESG Reporting expertise

Automate your regular ESG reporting needs with our end-to-end solution. Our service helps you reduce the administrative burden on in house teams, from data validation, to design and delivery of ESG Reports in flexible formats. 

Transparency and trust

Transparency and trust

Our ESG Reporting service helps you satisfy transparency obligations and disclosure requirements at a product level. The solution allows a multidimensional disclosure of risks and a standardised and objective framework for dynamic assessment and measurement 

Customised reporting

Customised reporting

All reports are built around your brand, business and compliance requirements, ensuring seamless integration and quick deployment. They can be produced in multiple languages supporting your global distribution efforts and allowing you to meet country-specific requirements.

Key features

Data agnostic

We are data provider agnostic. This means we can work with single, as well as multiple data providers to help you improve transparency and comparability of funds for investors.

Clean Data

We support data delivery in all forms, from various sources, and adapt to your existing systems. From spreadsheets, to APIs and from internal to third party sources, we can ingest this data. In addition to the ESG reports created, we can return the underlying, processed, clean data back to you as a single data feed.

Flexible templates

You can choose from multiple reporting formats – from a simple single page addendum to a more detailed fund report. Always comprehensive and intuitively designed to aid better investor understanding of your ESG credentials. 

Sector expertise

We offer comprehensive expertise across ESG investing topics and have global experience with leading asset owners and asset managers to help you to formalise your thoughts on ESG criteria and develop your own ESG policy.

Fully automated

Free up your internal resources and scale with automated reporting. Insource our expertise for all your ESG reporting challenges including fact sheet creation and bulk processing. We will give you and your team the confidence and time to focus efforts on your core business. 

At a time when ESG investing and reporting is rapidly becoming the major consideration for the investment industry, our acquisition of CSSP will enable us to expand upon our driving principle of connecting and supporting the global fund industry, through both a deep understanding of the market and the provision of clear, accurate and transparent data and reporting.  

Philippe Portmann, Head of Strategy and Business Development, FE fundinfo