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Regulatory Data Templates ​& Calculations​

Boost your European and Asia Pacific regulatory framework obligations supported by our end-to-end Fund Information Hub solution

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Conquer your obligations for common regulatory frameworks

Regulatory data sets change frequently due to new regulations that affect your mandatory data reporting under common frameworks such as PRIIPS, UCITS, MIFID, AIFMD, CRD and other.

For context, nearly 600 new data points were created and in circulation in 2022 alone impacting the composition of these compulsory regulatory templates.

These ever-expanding data sets have to be shared accurately with regulators and across an extremely fragmented ecosystem where players have their individual data sharing requirements. 

Our Regulatory Data Templates solution minimises the burden of changing regulation for our clients whilst ensuring their fund data is ready to be distributed accurately and consistently to all relevant recipients. Thanks to our technology, we can easily onboard our clients and expand the number of templates to serve any new products they might launch.

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  • Regulatory compliance

    FE fundinfo’s team of regulatory experts will continually scan for regulatory change and iterate the service and your data sets accordingly.

  • Accurate and timely

    All data collected via our regulatory data template service is checked and validated by our dedicated, ISO accredited processing team, ensuring data accuracy and the timely and efficient exchange of completed template files.

  • Transparent and compliant

    Our dashboard, accessible via the Fund Information Hub portal, allows you to track, monitor and control your template production at any time, giving you full visibility over the process, output and timing of distribution.


Single provider for all your data templates

We are perfectly positioned to manage your several templates across the UK, EEA and APAC thanks to our Collect Once, Distribute Everywhere methodology.

  • 13 mn+

    Number of data points

    we process monthly

  • 100 k+


    held in our database

  • 30 k

    Number of unique share classes

    we produced EMT templates for in April 2024 alone


Your one-stop-shop for your regulatory data templates reporting capabilities

We update the underlying calculation methodologies in alignment with regulatory changes, regulatory clarifications, and changes of industry standards. We will notify you as to any changes in the underlying calculation logic. 

European PRIIPs Template

General information: 

  • Used in: the EEA 

  • Audience: Distributors 

  • Governing regulation: PRIIPs (Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products) 

FE fundinfo performs automated market validations to ensure template quality.FE fundinfo offers visibility into the published data points via a client user interface.Only funds that follow the standard set-up process on the platform will be available for production.

European MiFID Template

General information: 

  • Used in: the EEA 

  • Audience: Distributors 

  • Governing regulation: MIFID II 

We offer visibility into the published data points via a client UI.Only funds that follow the standard set-up process on the platform will be available for production.   

European ESG Template

General information: 

  • Used in: the EEA 

  • Audience: Retail investors 

  • Governing regulation: SFDR (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation)

We offer visibility into the published data points via a client user interface.Only funds that follow the standard set-up process on the platform will be available for production.   

Comfort European PRIIPs Template

General information: 

  • Used in: the EEA 

  • Audience: Insurers 

  • Governing regulation: PRIIPS 

FE fundinfo performs automated market validations to ensure template quality. Only funds that follow the standard set-up process on the platform will be available for production. 

The Service will be limited to Category II Funds which the Supplier currently holds on their Database. Click to explore our Distribution Support and Filing services.

Großkredit- und Millionenkreditverordnung

General information: 

  • Used in: Germany 

  • Audience: Institutional investors 

  • Governing regulation: Basel III 

FE fundinfo offers the possibility to review the final template and sign it off.Only funds that follow the standard set-up process on the platform will be available for production.

Capital Requirements Regulation II and Capital Requirements Directive V

General information: 

  • Used in: the EEA 

  • Audience: Institutional investors 

  • Governing regulation: Basel III 

Only funds that follow the standard set-up process on the platform will be available for production.FE fundinfo offers the possibility to review the final template and sign it off. 

Defined Contribution Workplace Pension

General information: 

  • Used in: the UK 

  • Audience: Pension providers 

  • Governing regulation: COBS 19.8.4R.

Only funds that follow the standard set-up process on the platform will be available for production.   

Fair Value Mid-Price Template

General information: 

  • Used in: the UK 

  • Audience: Pension providers 

  • Governing regulation: COBS 19.8.4R. 

Only funds that follow the standard set-up process on the platform will be available for production.   

Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive Annex IV

General information: 

  • Used in: the EEA / the UK 

  • Audience: Relevant National Competent Authority (NCA) for each country the fund is distributed in 

  • Governing regulation: AIFMD (Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive)

Only funds that follow the standard set-up process on the platform will be available for production.


General information: 

  • Used in: Germany 

  • Audience: Institutional investors 

  • Governing regulation: Solvency I (Solva) 

Only funds that follow the standard set-up process on the platform will be available for production.  FE fundinfo offers the possibility to review the final template and sign it off. 

Commissione di Vigilanza sui Fondi Pensione

General information: 

  • Used in: Italy 

  • Audience: Institutional investors 

  • Governing regulation: IORPII 

Only funds that follow the standard set-up process on the platform will be available for production.FE fundinfo offers the possibility to review the final template and sign it off. 


Let's eradicate the challenges your industry is facing in the next 3 years

Between 2014 and 2023, we observed the creation of nearly 2,000 new data fields, aggravating one of the top 6 challenges asset managers are facing alongside outdated technology and rising costs - data management.

Robert Botha

Head of Data Operations, FE fundinfo

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On Demand Webinar The Future Of Fund Data


On-demand Webinar: The Future of Fund Data

We join forces with industry colleagues to discuss the future of fund data management and its potential to reshape data transmission and dissemination within the asset management landscape.