ESG: New updates and developments within FE Analytics
We’re pleased to announce even more ESG-related information and functionality has been added into FE Analytics. Specifically, additional information from ISS ESG has been included, plus more filtering and reporting functionality has been developed – each designed to help you access, view and assess the sustainability of a fund at the point of investment research.
It’s important for financial advisers to have easy access to a range of information relating to the sustainability of a fund. That’s why it’s our aim to help ensure decision-useful information on sustainability is readily available and can be used during the decision-making process.
Previously, you could use FE Analytics to gain an indication of the ESG performance of a fund by viewing its ESG rating from ISS ESG. You could also evaluate and better understand the ESG credentials of a particular fund by viewing a range of information such as its main ESG focus, its SFDR Product Type, and so on.
Recap on 2022 developments:
- ESG Ratings from ISS ESG added into FE Analytics
- European ESG Template (EET) data live within FE Analytics
- Sustainable Investing Questionnaire (SIQ) added into FE CashCalc
From today, however, you can continue doing all of this plus gain access to much more decision-useful information from ISS ESG. You’ll also gain access to greater functionality to help you find and assess suitable funds and therefore make an investment decision better aligned with your clients’ objectives and values. To find out more about each new development, please continue reading or watch the video below:
In addition to including their ESG ratings, we’ve also added more ESG-related data from ISS ESG into a fund’s Factsheet. This information can be viewed within a brand-new and specific ‘ISS ESG Data’ tab, and includes information ranging from a fund’s overall ESG score to its carbon and climate impact:
- ESG Performance Score Peer Average
- ESG Prime Status
- ESG Rating Percent of Coverage
- Norm-Based Research Pct Holdings with Overall Flag Red or Amber
- SDG Impact Rating - Weighted Average Overall Rating
- Weighted Carbon Intensity (Weighted tCO₂e/Mio USD Revenue)
- QS - Governance – Overall
All of this information will be visible within the ‘ISS ESG Data’ tab, alongside a glossary in to gain a better understanding of what each item of information means. You can also include all of this new information from ISS ESG within a Factsheet by simply exporting a detailed PDF.
Fund Filter
The Fund Filter tool allows you to search and find funds which match a particular criteria. Previously, you could only use the ‘ESG characteristics’ section of the Fund Filter to find funds which had a particular ISS ESG rating or filter on their SFDR Product Type.
From today, you’ll have access to many more options and be able to filter using all of the information we now provide via ISS ESG, as well as all of the European ESG Template data we include. For example, you’ll be able to add filters such as an ISS ESG rating of 4 stars or more, an ISS ESG Performance Score of above 50, or even a disclosed exclusion such as Pail Oil.
Custom Table
For the first time, a specific ESG section has been added into the Custom Report Builder. This will therefore allow you to either add specific ESG fields into an existing report, or create an entirely new ESG specific report.
Again, you’ll be able to use all of the information we now provide via ISS ESG, as well as all of the European ESG Template data we include. For example, you’ll be able to add a fund’s ESG labels, whether they are a signatory of the PRI, its ISS ESG Performance Score, or even its ISS ESG Prime Status.
Fund & Portfolio Comparison Reports
When generating a Fund Comparison Report, a brand-new ‘ESG Fund Ratings’ section will now be added and will include ratings from ISS ESG. This will enable you to gain an indication and easily compare the ESG performance of a fund, and of course, the more 3rd party ratings we add into FE Analytics the bigger this section will become.
Similarly, when you generate a Portfolio Comparison Report, a brand-new ‘ESG Fund Ratings’ section will be included. This will initially display the ISS ESG rating of the top 5 funds, but provide you with the option to expand and view all. Again, as we add more 3rd party ratings into FE Analytics, the greater this section will become.
Please note, our current licensing agreement with ISS ESG means you will not be able to export ISS ESG information into a CSV or Excel document.
With more and more clients demonstrating an interest in sustainable investing, it’s becoming increasingly important to have access to the necessary information, in order to make an investment decision aligned with their objectives and values.
Each of these enhancements, from adding additional data to developing more functionality, has therefore been made available to ensure you have easy access to decision-useful information. For more information on our overall ESG solutions, please don’t hesitate to contact a member of our team.